My wife, Arlene and I have been working with honey bees for 23 years. Every year we continue to be amazed by how hard each colony works and how well they work together to produce an excellent product. When not working the bees, you can find me at local farmers markets. I love educating others about beekeeping and the honey bees. A lot of people have a lot of concern about the health and survival of the honey bees and they should. However, another concern is the number of people who want to go out and work with the bees. It is heavy, hard work but, I believe we need more people to learn about bees and start a hobby or small business. Besides working with the bees I love to cook, bow hunt and canoe the BWCA.
When we got started in beekeeping we had terrific help from our neighbors and friends. What started as an idea picked up at the state fair turned into a small business with great support from many people. Beekeepers like Bob Dressen and Alex Ernst taught us how to get started working bees. The University of Minnesota bee class was a great starting point. We have many family members who take vacation time to travel to Minnesota and help with the honey harvest at the end of the season. They also help in the design and editing of our website. Our good friends Brian Pfieffer and Pete Meulepas, were there to help us find locations for the bees in the early years and still do a great deal to help today. We are blessed and very humbled by the support we receive!
Thank you all for your support!
I love meeting customers and sharing with them the benefits of local honey and the benefits of the beeswax products. I love sampling our cinnamon cream honey and hearing our customers reactions. I am allergic to the bees so I make the salves, lip balms and soaps, leaving the bees to Larry. Honey is a product that not only tastes great, but is good for you. At our home we eat plenty of honey. I even wash my face with honey and get the benefits of healthier skin. When I am not working our honey business I also have an embroidery business out of our home. I love working all of my gardens and feeding the many birds in our neighborhood. Most of all, I love spending time with our three children and our
lovely four granddaughters.