Bees are looking for nectar to store up. But by early August Clover and Wildflower stop blooming and the bees will look everywhere for nectar. Yellow Jackets colonies start to become strong and will attempt to take bees products and even kill bees off.
We get many calls starting in August from customers looking for help to remove honeybees from their homes. 19 times out of 20, these are not honeybees but are yellow jackets. Very similar in size but a smooth appearance to their bodies and not a hairy appearance. Yellow jackets can be seen hanging around garbage cans, soda cans and they love picnics. However, if they are in your home they do not belong there, I would contact and exterminator or spray them to eliminate them.
Egg laying has slowed a little by now but the queen is still busy laying thousand eggs per day,
A busy month as we will medicate our bees twice this month to help them survive the winter and by month end, we will begin pulling honey from the colonies and extracting the honey.. It never fails to be 90 degrees and humid when doing this work inside a bee suit with not much ventilation.. Lots of water drank in August.
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